Fyrkat Viking Museum
Join us on a journey back to the year 980 when Harald Bluetooth ruled Denmark and get a unique glimpse into the Viking life at the Fyrkat Viking Museum.
Fyrkat Vikinge Museum consists of the historic ringfort Fyrkat and the Viking Farmstead, which is 9 reconstructed houses, that together constitute a large Viking property. Both dwelling houses and workshops are built of oak timber with mud-and-wattle walls and thatched roof.
The Viking farmstead provide the setting, during season, of numerous viking activities such as viking clothing, breadmaking, wool work, forging, archery etc.
The ringfort was erected in 980 during the reign of Harold Bluetooth, the Danish Viking king. 4 forts of this type with circulare ramparts round the builtup area have been found in Denmark. The Fyrkat fort consisted of 16 bow-sided long houses. They are today indicated by slabs of white stone.
One of the houses has been reconstructed outside the rampart. It is 28,5 m long and built exclusively of oak wood.
2 places to visit - one ticket!
Fyrkat is a part of the UNESCO World Herritage