Hahnemanns Køkken café and cooking classes
At Hahnemann's cooking classes you learn the art of baking, how to make the perfect smørrebrød, or embrace the art of 'hygge' with Scandinavian comfort food
When visiting a new country it is often fun to experience a whole different kind of food culture. In Denmark, there is a lot of focus on the Nordic kitchen, baking, fermenting, and vegetables to name a few. At Hahnemann's køkken (kitchen) Trine Hahnemann and her crew of dedicated workers are ready to teach you how to cook all of these things. On their website, you can choose between many different cooking classes. Learn how to bake bread, start a sourdough and make Danish rye bread or maybe take the comfort food class and learn 3-4 savory dishes with Scandinavian ingredients like apples, cabbage, grain, and meat. You can also learn how to make the perfect smørrebrød, ferment sauerkraut or kimchi, make bao and ramen, or veggie-style dishes.
The choices are many and depending on what class you choose, it takes between two and five hours. When you arrive you will be served some drinks and snacks. After some background information and instructions, you will move into the kitchen and learn how to make the recipes yourself. At the end of the class, you will eat together or bring the food home, together with all the recipes from the class. All of the classes are in English and some are also in Danish, and you can book them on their website.
Trine Hahnemann is an expert on modern Scandinavian food, Trine cooks, writes, and lectures about it around the world. She has written several cookbooks in both Danish and English and loves sustainability, organic sourcing, and food cooked with love. Besides the cookery school, her venue also includes a bakery, a cozy coffee shop, a pastry shop, a food store, and an event space.