Practical information
All your important questions answered
We'll do our best to keep it short and sweet. If you want to know where Denmark is, how to get there, what a krone is and whether many people in your country are keen to visit, all you need to know is here.
Can you find Denmark on a map?
We'll make it easy for you - it's right here. Find your way around Denmark's cities, towns and islands, not forgetting Bornholm, the island just off the south coast of Sweden.
Essential practical information
How do you get here? How do you get from place to place? And what are the best trips to put together anyway? Take a look at all our information here.
Frequently-asked questions about Denmark. We don't use Euros, you don't need to tip, and nobody in her right mind would want to be a weather forecaster. There, that about covers it...
Entry to Denmark
Denmark is part of the Schengen agreement, which eliminated border passport control between Schengen countries in Europe. This means you no longer need to stop or show your passport when travelling between Denmark and Germany or Denmark and Sweden. You must still have your passport with you, however, when travelling in Schengen countries as a form of identification.
Following Brexit, UK citizens can travel to any country in the Schengen area, including Denmark, for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa.
Border openings post-corona are subject to change. You can find out about entry requirements in place on our Safe Travel in Denmark page.
Whether you’re looking for the perfect city break hotel, a quaint little inn in the countryside, a family friendly campsite, or a summer house by the coast, you’ll be able to find your ideal accommodation in Denmark. Source our accommodation site to find your place to stay during your visit to Denmark.
The Danish krone is the official currency of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The currency sign is “kr.” and the ISO code is “DKK”.
You can check the current currency rates on this website.
There are no restrictions on the amount of currency you are allowed to import or export, but anything over €10,000 (approximately 75,000kr) must be declared. Read more about the regulations at the Danish Tax Authority’s website.
Service charges are included in hotel, restaurant and taxi bills. If you feel you’ve received great service however, feel free to tip. How much you tip is entirely up to you, and there is no set etiquette for this in Denmark.
Weather forecast
Find the latest weather forecasts for Denmark at the Danish Meteorological Institute.
Statistical analysis
Take a look at the graph to see how many tourists from your country are visiting Denmark each year. It's a dynamic graph so pop back every now and again to see how things have changed, if you like.